Dengue….. Please Be alert Gys !!!

Dengue Fever (DF) is an acute febrile illness of 2-7 days duration (sometimes with two peaks) with
two or more of the following manifestations:
 Headache
 Retro-orbital pain
 Myalgia/arthralgia
 Rash
 Haemorrhagic manifestation (petechiae and positive tourniquest test) and
 Leucopenia
n children, DF is usually mild. In some adults, DF may be the classic incapacitating disease with
severe bone pain and recovery may be associated with prolonged fatigue and depression.

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Green Apples क्लब च्या सदस्यत्वा विषयी … ( मोफत )

नमस्कार !

आम्ही एक क्लब स्थापित करीत आहोत. याचे सदस्यत्व मोफत आहे. ( सध्या काही दिवस ). यातून आरोग्य विषयक आणि इतर सुविधा देण्याचे उद्दिष्ट आहे. इतर सुविधा यांमध्ये मनोरंजन / सेमिनार वगरे गोष्टी असतील.  तरी इच्छुकांनी खालील मेल वर मेल करावी :

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Plants are saving YOU from CANCERS !!!

Washington, October 18 (ANI): Researchers including one of Indian origin have developed a new compound from a rich source in vegetables including broccoli and brussel sprouts to combat triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC).

TNBC is one of the most aggressive forms of breast cancer – it grows faster, spreads to other parts of the body earlier, is harder to detect on a mammogram and recurs more often.

Mandip Sachdeva and Chandraiah Godugu from Florida A and M University in collaboration with Stephen Safe from Texas A and M University have evaluated the activity of novel C-substituted diindolylmethane (C-DIM) derivatives and demonstrated that they have superior anticancer activities.

Sachdeva’s study reveals that these synthetic compounds derived from diindolylmethane (DIM), commonly found in various types of cruciferous vegetables, can be used to treat several types of cancer, including triple-negative breast cancer.

C-DIMs are also being investigated for their cancer prevention activity.

“Targeted treatment options for TNBC are limited; current treatments, such as infusions, result in poor patient compliance and increased toxicity,” Sachdeva said.

“We are confident that the compounds we are currently working with are an effective treatment for triple-negative breast cancer. These compounds are safer for the patient than current treatments available,” Sachdeva added.

In contrast to existing anticancer drugs, the diindolylmethane compounds are orally active, so they could be available to patients in pill form and safe to take daily.

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When taken in combination with existing anticancer drugs, the diindolylmethane compounds can effectively decrease the number of treatments a patient receives. Continue reading

Woman’s Health – Menopause & Hot Flashes

What, Exactly is a Hot Flash?

For the uninitiated, a hot flash is a feeling of warmth that spreads over the body, primarily in the upper body, neck, face and head. It is often accompanied with a bright red face and neck area and perspiration. Some ladies are very delicate and perspire only on the upper lip while others experience the race horse phenomena, with sweat running down the sides of the face and down the neck. A hot flash often lasts 30 seconds or so, but those 30 seconds can be the longest in history when you’re at a board meeting and get hit with a one. Some women experience hot flashes from two minutes up to 30 minutes!

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They Don’t Know What Causes Them …

One theory as to the cause of hot flashes is that declining estrogen levels occurring at this period in life cause a combination of hormonal and biochemical fluctuations in the body, such as a blood rush, palpitations and sweats. Another thought is that neurotransmitters in the brain fluctuate and trigger them. There is a hormone produced in the brain called gonadotropin hormone (GnRH) that increases when estrogen and progesterone decrease in a bid to keep fertility alive. Continue reading

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