Home remedies- Age spots

Age spots are not remedied on the outside of the body since they originate on the inside of the body. Liver cleanse and proper colon cleanse will in time eliminate age spots from where they formed. Inside the body not the outside. It is more than a cosmetic issue it is a toxic accumulation issue. Thats why older people get them and they are never or seldom seen on the young.

1. honey and powdered cinnamon, leave on for 20 mins and clean off. Moisturize afterwords.

2. Fresh lemon juice daily until discoloration is reduced/removed.

3. Take selenium and the herbs ginseng, dandelion, liquorice, gotu kola, and sarsaparilla in capsule or tea form. Contact Us for order.

4. Vitamin E oil or cod liver oil will reduce coloration when applied to affected areas daily. Contact Us for order.

5. Castor Oil has been shown to improve the appearance of age spots. Simple rub the oil directly onto the affected skin areas once in the morning and once in the evening. This should help fade the spots within a month. Contact Us for order.

6. Aloe Vera juice or gel has long been known as a general healing agent for skin problems, particularly burns. Many people have also found it to be helpful in reducing the visual appearance of age spots. Simply rub the juice or gel directly onto the affected areas twice a day, and leave it on the skin for at least 45 minutes each time. Within a month you should begin to notice improvements. Contact Us for order.

** These remedies are collectives remedies. Kindly consult experts / doctors if not relieved. It is not advised to stop any of medicines without doctor’s advice. While using remedies it is advised to avoid allergic ingredients by an individuals.

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